Biotechnology faculty

Address: 230008, Grodno, Tereshkova Str. 28

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Today more than 300 young people study at the Biotechnological Faculty. 32 teachers work here: 7 of them are doctors of agricultural sciences, 1 - corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, 21 - candidates of agricultural sciences.

Since its foundation more than 9 thousand experts have completed their education in animal husbandry. Nowadays the Faculty carries out training in animal husbandry using the uninterrupted integrated system of education. Graduates can undertake one-year magistracy and postgraduate courses; later on they are welcome to the doctoral studies.

The Faculty scientists, tutors and students take an active part in the University research work. They work out, develop and perfect the following urgent positions: breeding system improvement in animal industry, developing selective herds and highly productive cattle breeds, prolificacy and increasing terms of using productive dairy cattle, efficiency of pork production, to working out of progressive technologies of livestock fodder purchasing, full value fodder and additives development for farm animals and poultry; use of biologically active substances in the animal diet, fodder additives production and studying the efficiency of their use, improvement of milking equipment and milking technology, full mechanization and intensification of technological processes in animal industry.

Students take an active part in scientific research work. The results are discussed at Students Scientific Society sessions, conferences, and published in students scientific articles.

Availability of highly skilled scientific and pedagogical personnel, modern educational devices, innovative research equipment, training and experimental farms are the basis for quality education at the Biotechnological Faculty. But the most important part in experts training is the agro-industrial practice at the leading enterprises of the Republic and abroad.